Curtin Malaysia Graduate Studies Committee
Associate Professor Dr. Perumal Kumar
Acting Director, Curtin Malaysia Graduate School
Professor Dr. Vincent Lee Chieng Chen
Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor, Curtin University Malaysia
John Curtin Distinguished (JCDP) Professor Dr. Nagarajan Ramasamy
Dean, Research & Development
Director, Curtin Malaysia Research Institute
Associate Professor Dr. John Lau Sie Yon
Associate Dean, Research & Development – Faculty of Engineering & Science
Dr. Tiong Ying Ying
Associate Dean, Research & Development – Faculty of Business
Dr. Noraisikin Sabani
Associate Dean, Research & Development – Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences
Ms Kiyanaalsadat Fatemi (
President, Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Research Association cum HDR student representative
Christina Satim
Graduate School Officer
Basil Jason John
Graduate School Assistant Officer
Terms of Reference
Curtin Malaysia Graduate School deals with policies and procedure concerning the admission, progression and monitoring of Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) – MPhil and PhD – as well as co-ordinating and promoting such programmes of studies. A large part of its work is to do with the review, approval and monitoring of the progress of HDR students. Its work also includes determining scholarship rankings and extensions, when requested.
- To advise the Curtin Malaysia Academic Board on policy matters regarding HDR studies, including the coordination and promotion of HDR studies, at Curtin University Malaysia.
- For Masters by Research and Doctoral degrees, to consider and approve the following:
– admission, advanced standing and enrolment;
– extension of time to submit candidacy;
– candidacy;
– leave of absence;
– the composition of thesis committees;
– titles;
– the composition of examining panels; and
– approval of nomination of examiners. - To work in cooperation with Faculties in the review of annual progress reports and make recommendations on ‘conditional’ status. To recommend cancellation of enrollment to University Graduate Studies Committee/Graduate Research School.
- To consider, endorse and recommend to University Graduate Studies Committee/Graduate Research School thesis examination reports.
- To consider such other matters that are consistent with the development of graduate research programmes including scholarship ranking and scholarship extensions.