HDR Forms & Resources
Various forms, guides, templates, and additional resources for HDR students and supervisors.
Admission to HDR
Enrolments & Withdrawals
For enrolment, amendment of enrolment, change of study mode, withdrawal, and cancellation.
Cancellation of Enrolment (for Faculty’s AD, R&D)
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Essentials for Milestone 1
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Flowchart: Milestone 1 (Before Presentation)
Milestone Document Checklist (Before Presentation)
Australian Bureau of Statistics Fields of Research (ABS-FoR)
Milestone Presentation Approval Form
Budget Proposal Template (PhD & MPhil)
Research Proposal Information Sheet
Research Integrity Training: Instructions for Enrolment
Mandatory & Optional Courses/Workshop Series for HDR Students
Essentials for Milestone 2
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Essentials for Milestone 3
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Various Applications
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Essentials for Thesis Committee
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Thesis Examination
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Online Thesis Submission for Examination (Thesis Submission > Forms > Thesis Submission for Examination)
Post Thesis Examination Essentials
Post thesis examination essentials for the completion of the student’s final thesis submission
Doctor of Philosophy (for all faculties)
Doctor of Philosophy – Sarawak | DR-SARAWK |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Engineering & Science)
MPhil (Chemical Engineering) | MR-CHENGR |
MPhil (Civil Engineering) | MR-CVENGR |
MPhil (Electrical & Computer Engineering) | MR-ELCENG |
MPhil (Geology) | MR-GEOL |
MPhil (Mechanical Engineering) | MR-MCENGR |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Business)
MPhil (Accounting) | MR-ACCTG |
MPhil (Economics & Finance) | MR-ECFNCE |
MPhil (Management) | MR-MGMT |
MPhil (Marketing) | MR-MKTG |
Master of Philosophy (for the Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences)
MPhil (Media, Culture, and Creative Arts) | MR-MEDCCA |
Online Deposit of Final Thesis (Thesis Submission > Forms > Deposit of Final Thesis)